Account Management

Account Management

Comsatec Inc.’s electricity Account Management services provide a “one-stop shopping” approach to electricity.  Our low cost solutions assist customers in making informed and prudent decisions.

Meter Reading (Data Historian)

Comsatec’s in-house tools allow us to remotely interrogate utility revenue meters and upload customer consumption data to our database

Comsatec also has the capability to read or receive data from a multitude of other sources such as Independent System Operator (IESO), meters, spreadsheets, FTP etc.


Customized Report Production for Clients

Comsatec’s reports are generated from the raw data gathered and provide independent calculations on all costs associated with each facility’s electricity costs.  We also provide independent 3rd party calculations on any forward contract purchases.

Reports include:

  • Consumption profiles including hourly HOEP costs (graph and hourly data)
  • Estimated Invoices Report
  • Year to Date Cost Accounting Summary reports

And where applicable:

  • Energy Intensity and Greenhouse Gas Footprint reports
  • Monthly Aggregate reports
  • Invoice Verification reports
  • Aggregate Facility or Sub-Metered reports

Budget Forecasting

Comsatec has developed a comprehensive model to assist our customers with developing their budgets.  This model is also used to determine risk tolerance and to provide customers with a number of “what if” scenarios.

Market Intelligence

Comsatec tracks hourly HOEP and updates the monthly HOEP average, hourly on this web site.  This allows customer’s accountants the advantage of knowing what the current average monthly HOEP is, as well as the Global Adjustment, at any time during the month.  Historical monthly HOEP and GA data and graphs are also available on this web site.